Seed stock will ship in Mid September

Culinary/Eating Garlic will ship with your seed stock unless ordered separately

 Buy Garlic – Our Garlic bulbs are Naturally Grown and can be used for seed Garlic or Culinary/Eating use.

 Check out the Growing Garlic page for planting tips and the About Garlic page for descriptions of the different varieties.


Planting & Eating

Naturally Grown

Have the urge to grow your own Garlic?  How much do you need?                

Our Garlic, including the Samplers, is sized as Planting Stock and is 2” or larger . Culinary/Eating Garlic sells at a discount and is the same quality as Planting but less than 2” in size and tends to grow smaller bulbs if planted .

  • Purple Stripe- Average 60 cloves per pound
  • Porcelains- Average 40 cloves per pound
  • Softnecks- Average 70 cloves per pound
  • Plant your Garlic a minimum

    of 6” apart in rows of 20” or in beds 6″ x 8″ apart – 4”deep

  • Five pounds is a good quantity for a larger garden plot. Your friends will love you.

Hardneck Garlic

Chesnok Red Garlic

Chesnok RedPurple Striped variety

Originating from Shvelisi, Republic of Georgia.  Chesnok is capable of producing large bulbs containing 7 to 9 crescent shaped cloves. A taste test winner and a must have for anyone’s Garlic collection.  Stores very well

$22.00 Per Pound
Belarus Garlic

BelarusPurple Striped variety

The first Garlic out of the ground in the spring. Early harvest. A rich flavor and is delightfully mellow but with a little bite when raw      Stores well.

$22.00 Per Pound
German Extra Hardy Garlic

German Extra Hardy-Porcelain Variety

German Extra Hardy-Porcelain Variety

Consistently the largest Porcelain Garlic that I grow. I have read that this along with German White, German Stiffneck and Northern White are the actually same Variety. All I know is that it grows slightly different than my German Porcelain in that it will send up Scapes and harvest about a week later.     Stores well

$22.00 Per Pound
Pehoski Garlic

PehoskiPurple Striped variety

Pehoski Purple Striped variety

Pehoski Purple is hot and strong when raw and cooks to a mild earthy flavor. Each bulb contains 5-7 large cloves This garlic originated in a Polish community in Wisconsin.


$22.00 Per Pound
Romanian Red Garlic


Romanian RedPorcelain variety

Introduced to British Columbia from Romania, it is reported to be a fairly disease resistant garlic.  This Garlic is a robust grower, producing 4 to 5 large, easy to peel cloves. It is pungent and hot “with a bite” when eaten raw.  When cooked it has a wonderful “Garlic” complexity.  This is a “Garlic lover’s” Garlic. Stores well

$22.00 Per Pound
Georgian Fire Garlic

Georgian FirePorcelain variety

Originated from the Republic of Georgia.  4-6 Large Cloves/Bulb Robust Garlic flavor: One of the hottest tasting porcelain garlic varieties with a pleasant hotness

$22.00 Per Pound
Persian Star Garlic

Persian StarPurple Stripe variety

This beautiful Purple Stripe garlic originates from the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan. It has light colored bulbs and the cloves are purple streaked. The flavor is spot on. 9-12 large cloves per bulb.  Stores very well

$22.00 Per Pound

Softneck Garlic

Softneck Garlic

 Inchelium Red  –Artichoke variety

Discovered in Inchelium, Washington near the Canadian border, this is a top rated Softneck Garlic.  Inchelium Red can grow quite large generally with several nice sized clove layers and then smaller central cloves.  It is a good braiding Garlic that is rich in flavor but not overpowering.  If you grow Garlic you want at least one Softneck.    Excellent storing      

$22.00 Per Pound
Polish Red Garlic

Polish Red SoftneckArtichoke variety

Long a favorite of mine, this Softneck harvests early.  Watch for one brown leaf then dig one up to check progress. Expect to harvest up to two weeks before your Hardneck’s.  Generally, produces large bulbs with fewer of the small inner clove than you expect from a Softneck.   Excellent storing

$22.00 Per Pound

Other Garlic

Garlic Sampler

Garlic Sampler

You can experience a unique variety of gourmet Garlic by ordering a sampler, consisting of an assortment of our garlic. An order of 1 pound will be a mix of three different Garlic. A 2 pound order will have a mix of six.

Garlic Sampler
$22.00 Per Pound
Culinary Garlic

Culinary/Eating Garlic

A collection of our Garlic that does not quite meet the Planting Stock size standard but excels in the taste department. As an added benefit the smaller bulbs tend to store longer.

 Quantity will be calculated after harvest in July  


$14.00 Per Pound
Garlic Scapes

Garlic Scapes

Only Available for a few weeks in June. Whatever will fit is a USPS large Flat Rate Box. (postage included)


We accept payment only through PayPal at this time.  You can order with a credit card through PayPal without creating an account. It is the most secure way to order online.

  • Shipping charges are
  • $8   – 1 lb             
  • $13 – 2-3  lb         
  • $17 – 4-6  lb     
  • $20 –  7-9  lb                
  • FREE –  10  lb or more                                     
Our garlic has been tested for Garlic Bloat Nematode. See Report

Terms: We try to produce the best Garlic available. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your purchase, return it to us within ten days and we will refund your money. Shipping and handling charges are non refundable.

Due to the many variables within the growing process we cannot be responsible for results or performance of Garlic that has been planted and grown

Chesnok Red Garlic
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